Portugal Retreat 2023
May 16-21 @ Loural Ecovillage, Portugal
I invite all flute lovers
This is a 5-day residential bansuri retreat. It’s an invitation for aspiring flute lovers to fully immerse themselves in the world of music and flute. Experience the pure joy of being part of a group striving for the same knowledge, being guided through riyaz (practice) sessions by Linus Lundquist. AND being surrounded by the beautiful nature of Loural, Portugal. Away from the normal hustle of the world, just music and nature.
This is the traditional way of learning - living together with the teacher and sharing the learning process with others. You will experience a “Before and After” the workshop.
This retreat will also give the chance to network and meet people from the Global Musical Family coming from all over the world and learn from each other.
The course is designed in a way to make sure all levels can join, beginners as well as intermediate, as there will be a lot of individual focus. The schedule is designed in a way to make sure there is time for practice, reflection, integration and meditation.
A typical day
6-7 Sa practice/long notes
7-8 Free time (yoga, meditation, shower)
8-9 Breakfast
9-12 Group class (it will be divided on topic and with small breaks) example: 9-10 warming up - alankar, scale work. 10-10.30 tea break. 10.30-12 Raag alaap, composition, taans and theory.
12-15 Lunch break
15-16 Group class
16-19 Individual classes. It’s open for all if the student is Ok. You can also take time to practice by yourself or together with other participants.
19-20 Dinner
Topics in Group Class
Examples of topics covered in group class,
Long notes - Why we need to do it
Bansuri Ornaments - Katka, Murki, Meend, Gamak etc
Bansuri Techniques - Tips, tricks
Alaap & Jod - How to develop
Raga - What is it really? Or what is it NOT?
Notation - How to write what we play
In group class we will learn a raga with alaap, jod and composition with taans and tihais. We do the work together and motivate each other to strive deeper, to go faster, to play more.
Everyone is walking their own unique path and therefore face their own unique challenges. That’s why I believe in the importance of having individual classes. To give full attention to the personal journey of that student only. Individual Class will, if the student is OK, be open for all to listen. One can learn a lot by observing another student taking class.
Individual Class
About the place
Loural Ecovillage is a training center for integrative medicines and therapies and also a retreat center created in 2021. 30-acre mountain property with 4 springs, 1 river, and several small waterfalls, a swimming pool, a sauna, and a spacious workshop hall. Located in the heart of Portugal.
They will provide three organic vegetarian meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus snacks. They offer glamping, shared rooms and private rooms. Select your preferred option by hitting that button.
To finalize the booking you have to be confirmed for the retreat.
Linus is fully devoted to the bansuri and indian classical music and is a full time musician. He performs regularly and gives classes to students from all over the world, see what his students are saying here. Linus has spent his winters in India doing rigorous riyaz. Practicing up to eight hours every day.
He has been learning under legends of Indian classical music such as Pt Rajendra Prasanna and Pt Pravin Godkhindi. He is currently learning under the guidance of Debopriya Chatterjee.
He started his journey together with his teacher Igino Brunori (disciple of the Gundecha Brothers and Pt Rajendra Prasanna).
About the teacher

This retreat is for anyone who wants to dive into the world of music and flute, connect with people with similar interests and be surrounded by nature while doing so.
Portugal Retreat
May 16-21
Join me for a 5 day immersive retreat in the heart of Portugal. Enjoying music and nature together with the global bansuri family.
Arriving Tuesday evening, leaving Sunday evening.